Relationship Woes

Relationship is a difficult subject enriching two different individuals in a life of togetherness and oneness!

How to build trust in a long distance relationship

Building trust is a process and does not work overnight. It comes with years of togetherness, however, if you are determined to build a lasting relationship, there are small instances that can open opportunities to build trust.  However, nurturing a long distance relationship is a different ball game altogether and only trust can help you build togetherness when you are miles apart.  Here at some insightful tips to grow your trust.

Stop lying
You may be tempted to lie because you do not want to hurt their feelings and instead you choose to speak what she/he expects to hear. But have you ever thought about the consequences when the truth is out. You will not only lose your  self-respect before your partner but will also jeopardise your relationship.  Openness is vital for nurturing your closeness.  Your value system is at display in such crucial events and it makes sense to share the truth at the first appropriate moment rather than putting it off or covering it with a lie. Remember an ideal partner will prefer to be supportive rather than aggressive at any situation. The hurt may lead to some strain in the relationship but it may tie some knots of resilience and trust for a greater understanding and care.

Listening skills
Constructive communication is key to your relationship.  Good listening skills shows your respect and concern for your partner.  After a hard day’s work,  it is good if you have someone to listen to your woes. Therefore train yourself to become a good listener by not interrupting or concluding the talk before letting your partner finish his/her point.  This also leads to constructive argument where you can understand each other to find an ideal solution.

Share your weakness
This is another piece of wisdom to grow trust.  When you share your weakness, it shows you are letting down your guards to build togetherness. This "we zone" of openness where you do not shy of your shortcomings will help strengthen your long distant relationship. So do not hesitate to share your pain when your senior reports your mistakes. Friendship is the core of any relationship and sharing your fears as well as your dreams is an integral part of it.

Exploring sexuality
Sex is an important part of a relationship, however, it becomes difficult to maintain the passion in long distance relationship. However, technology has made visual communication easy and also made inroads in the adult toy industry. The evolution of life size dolls for ultra-real life like sexual experience can help your partner de-stress sexually in your absence and can also be used for threesome. The TPE sex doll will also help explore the dark desires that each one nurtures during their growing up period. This too promotes closeness in the relationship.


Planning your future

When you make long term plans together, it signifies your partnership is integral to your life. It can be as insignificant as discussing your look for the next party and it can be as important as your career planning. They play a pivotal role in keeping the fire burning.

Some decades ago, there were hardly any cases of divorce or separation. Marriage was considered a holy institution imbibing truthfulness and openness for lasting relationship. However, the truth is that given the fast paced life and changing priorities, we need to not only work on our communication skills to understand and build trust but also to give space to each other and spend time together.

